Frequently Asked Question

Email - Comodo Dome Anti-Spam (CDAS) - Part Two: Dealing with Quarantined Email
Last Updated 5 years ago

Should you receive a Quarantined Email notice from CDAS, click on one of the options given in the Actions column next to the email details:


The options are:

  • Request Release - to have the email released from quarantine as it seems genuine
  • Request Blacklist - to have the sender prevented from sending you any more emails
  • Request Whitelist - to have the sender added to your whitelist so further emails from them are not quarantined by mistake. (NOT recommended as there are multiple examples of mailboxes being hacked/compromised and genuine addresses being used to send out scam emails.)

Clikcing an option will take you to the CDAS portal where you will be able to complete yo

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